52 to Roe

What Elected Democrats Should Be Telling Us in the Wake of Dobbs

Matt Fotis
4 min readJun 28, 2022


Image via The Auburn Plainsman, September 12, 2021

The Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v Jackson to overturn Roe v Wade and Casey v Planned Parenthood have sent shockwaves through America. Even though Democrats knew this decision was coming for months, elected leaders seemed to not have a coordinated response ready when the decision was ultimately handed down.

Outside of Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Democratic response has been a mixture of “vote” and “donate”…and for some reason singing on the Capitol steps. I don’t know. And you know what? Other than the singing, that’s not wrong. We do need to vote. And winning in November is going to take a lot of money. But…it’s also not right. People want to see some fight, some rage, but more importantly, they want to SEE A PATH FORWARD. The House passed a bill protecting women’s reproductive freedom in September 2021 — the Women’s Health Protection Act. But you wouldn’t know that, because Democrats have rarely talked about it in the last few days. It would be wise for Democratic leaders to point to their past efforts to codify Roe and protect women’s healthcare. I can’t really tell you why they are not, other than the fact that Democrats are historically bad at political messaging. What’s so very frustrating is the political messaging should be easy because the problem is clear…



Matt Fotis

Theatre professor, author, playwright, dad, husband, and other stuff. Comedy, parenthood, and politics. www.mattfotis.com @mattfotis