Thoughts on Back-to-School Eve

It’s not still June? Fu —

Matt Fotis
4 min readAug 28, 2022


Back to school written on a chalkboard.
Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash

Tomorrow is the first day of classes at the college where I teach. I’m excited. I’m nervous. This is also Year 3 of total mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion. Some of the thoughts running through my head on this day before classes begin:

If I just had one more week…

I’d be absolutely no more prepared because there’s no way I’d do anything productive during that week.

But if only I had one more week…

I hope the technology in my classrooms works.

Please laugh at my jokes.

I am prepared for the technology not to work.

But don’t pity laugh at my jokes.

When the technology does not work, I will discover I am in fact NOT prepared for the technology not to work.

I’m funny. People pay me to do comedy!

I’m sorry, that’s the last time I’ll lose my temper this semester.

Unless the technology in this classroom keeps being AN ASSHOLE!

Do the reading. But I know you aren’t always going to do the reading. And that’s okay. Learning how to bullshit is an important skill.



Matt Fotis

Theatre professor, author, playwright, dad, husband, and other stuff. Comedy, parenthood, and politics. @mattfotis