A Democratic Barnstorming Tour

What it might look like if Democrats actively tried to win in 2022

Matt Fotis
7 min readJul 12, 2022


A new poll about the 2024 presidential campaign has all kinds of interesting revelations — namely, Democrats aren’t thrilled with Biden, but he still beats Trump 44% to 41%. The poll’s findings are the talk of the town, well, at least social media. I’ll let you guess which half of those findings people — especially Democrats — are focusing on. The most important revelation of all, however, is that GOOD GOD ARE DEMOCRATS BAD AT POLITICS. There is a democracy defining election happening this year…like, RIGHT NOWso maybe Democrats should focus on winning that one instead of trying to lose the next one.

I wrote before about how Democrats need to focus on winning the Senate — 52 to Roe! So, how do they do that? And how do they hold onto the House? By using their most effective communicators. It’s not rocket science, Democrats.

Now, I’m not a Democrat strategist, but if I was, I would be planning a 2022 barnstorming campaign tour with Mayor Pete, John Fetterman, Reverend Warnock, and AOC. Republicans have known for decades that midterm elections are one big national election, it’s about time Democrats caught up.

The barnstorming tour needs the pomp and fanfare of a presidential campaign, mixed with the…



Matt Fotis

Theatre professor, author, playwright, dad, husband, and other stuff. Comedy, parenthood, and politics. www.mattfotis.com @mattfotis